As a sales representative of the manufacturer, we participated in an interesting Jetting DemoDays event organized by Masdis (distributor of Jetting blowing machines), which became an opportunity to exchange experiences from the installation practice present at the workshop, as well as to check whether electronic systems for recording blowing parameters, such as JetLogger, will be accepted in Poland and they will be able to end to situations of fuzzy responsibility for the quality of installation works, which are not very pleasant for all parties.

As part of this meeting, which took place on October 19, 2022 in Pomerania in the form of a workshop consisting in the presentation of the microcable installation using the Jetting MJET v2 blowing machine with the JetLogger system of ongoing parameter registration. The workshop was led by Paweł Polis from TechWorks Sp. z o.o., which is a Technology Partner of Masdis and Jetting and works on MJETv2 machines on a daily basis. It was also an opportunity to present live the functionality of the Jetting MJET v2 and v3 blow molding machines and to present the philosophy and values offered by this Swedish manufacturer. The meeting was visited by a large group of interested local contractors and operators, which enabled a broad and interesting technical discussion during the meeting.
We tested the system on a real section of microducts made available by the local operator (thank you!) Selected deliberately because installation problems were expected on it. A detailed description and conclusions from this installation are included in the report from these workshops (available on request for potential customers interested in Jetting registration systems).
JetLogger to profesjonalny system automatycznej rejestracji parametrów pracy wdmuchiwarek MJet i sporządzania elektronicznej dokumentacji procesu wdmuchiwania kabli. System pomaga udokumentować wykonanie usługi, wskazuje na typowe błędy i problemy procesu instalacyjnego oraz stanowi swoiste poświadczenie jakości pracy wobec Inwestora. Dlatego też taki system staje się dość pożądanym rozwiązaniem, a w niektórych krajach nawet rozwiązaniem obligatoryjnym (system JetLogger i raporty z systemu są zgodne z wymaganiami Deutsche Telekom -norma ZTV TKNetz 40). Więcej o tym systemie na stronie dystrybutora: link