Introduction to MVRA model
New & unique business model based on value-added multi-vendor representative agency (MVRA) as non-competitive attendant to a few Vendors of fiber optic products to serve the Polish market (and other regional markets as optional) by building and take care on sales channels and be represented in front of Key Customers and for main projects. We save time and budget building a shortcut between local market and Vendor products. Thanks to deeply understanding of local dependencies we can represent each Vendor by smart, targeted sales channel and monitor them upon growing.
Multi-Vendor Representative Agency means:
- Multi-Vendor means Multi-Product portfolio served by Agency in non-competitive way between Primary & Supplementary Product groups. Multi-Vendor agency allow to spread out monthly costs on different Vendors but as well to find a synergy and cross-selling between product groups and even additional services offered by Vendor or Agency.
- Representative means that Agency will be responsible for full process of sales management upon strategy agreed with Vendor and proposed by Agency base on deep experience and market knowledge. We support entities starting their operations in Poland in full legal and operational services, thus dispensing with the need to build and maintain full and expensive structures related to sales, operations, and administration.
- Agency means more than Agent or Sales Representative thanks to flexible resources which could be allocated upon current needs. We believe in team works and known from experience that Polish market is quite big enough to cover them in few persons even. Therefore, the goal is to build a flexible team of professionals with complementary skills, but in a manner justified by the increase in sales of Vendors represented by the Agency
For whom?
Our proposal fits mostly for foreign vendors looking for support during entrance into Polish / Central & East Europe telecom market or management of current sales channels build up till now. We are cooperating as well with local vendors looking expanding to telecom market from other segments.
Product portfolio range
Our goal is to build a portfolio as mix of Primary and Supplementary Product which allow to build System Solution based on applications which are looked by Customers. Product will be chosen from Vendors in non-competitive manner to bring to market full scope of telecom solutions focused on complete Fibre Optic Systems and solutions for incoming market challenges as 5G projects.

Market Strategy
Polish market is fiber oriented, booming, powered by UE grants and under massive development but as well is spread (more then10 000 End Customers), price oriented and very crowd with direct/indirect presence of mayor global vendors, subdistributors and importers.
Crowd markets needs special treating, many relationships and good local recognition of Customer demands but as well deep understanding of local business environment including competitors knowledge, investment habits or procurements rules. Right entry strategy is a key to open a door to local markets. Strategy / sales channel / communication would be tuned for each Vendor, market or even End Customer environment conditions.
Scope of services
Agency services are organized around Management, Representation, Customer Care and Technical / Product support. We want to represent Vendor in every aspect and at every stage of the sales process directly or with the participation of Sales Partner’s in all the required sales roles (Management), providing representation and legal assistance and assembling a project team (Representation).

During entry or just after -more extended services could be needed to satisfy market demands or tune strategy to Vendor needs. Multi-Vendor model allow to spread out costs of any extended services offered by Agency directly or by local outsourcers covered by Agency to simplify and unifies costs reimbursements. It should makes any business model easier to reach by Vendor.
Implementation of strategic goals related to taken sales planes needs monthly expenses and should be motivated by success fee paid over agreed targets. Agency remuneration depends on jointly designated Key Performance Indicators, agreed Pipelines and targets required by Vendor. Thanks to Multi-Vendor model total expenses incurred by Vendor for market entry should be lower and easier to carry then direct employment or opening own Sales Representative office in Poland.
Interested in?
More info about? Please contact with us to get more detailed MVRA model description.