On behalf of ourselves and the companies cooperating with us, we invite you to visit the 20th jubilee conference “Telecommunications and IT on Railways” and our exhibition stand, where there will be an opportunity to talk about potential cooperation in the field of products positioned for the railway market from our portfolio.
The conference is organized by the Polish Chamber of Manufacturers of Equipment and Service Suppliers for the Railway and each year gathers nearly 400 participants representing companies and 30 suppliers related to the railway market.

In particular, we target this market, e.g. a wide range of products in the field of accessories for fiber optic installations, telecommunications and industrial fiber optic cables, flame retardant cables with CPR certificates and with the functions of maintaining transmission in fire conditions, copper telecommunication cables (Sterlite, Optral, Optotec, Metallurgica Bresciana) .
We also offer NTET Group solutions based on glass fiber composites: lighting poles, semaphore poles, poles and elements of supporting structures, doors and elements of container stations, and even composite and plastic parts for assembly in cars (automotive).
A very interesting and innovative group of solutions offered are systems for monitoring and detecting events using optical fibers with a wide range of applications in industry, perimeter protection and securing objects of strategic importance, including railway lines and facilities (Optral Osense). Soon also other solutions specific to the needs of the railway market.
Start: March 15, 12:30 p.m. End: March 17, 12:30 p.m. 10.00
Place: Crystal Mountain Hotel, ul. Bukowa 19A, Wisla, 43-460 Poland
Program and more about the conference: pod tym linkiem organizatora