Join Sterlite team at FTTH Conference 2024 in Berlin, Germany, and see how we are creating a connected and sustainable future powered by our innovative optical products. Book a time and meet STL representative responsible for Polish market:
FTTH Conference 2024 Europe | Date: 19-21 March 2024 | Location: Berlin, Germany
STL Regional Manager Northern and Eastern Europe: John Davis, Hall 25 Stand G17
Here is a sneak peek of what’s in store:
- Certified eco-labelled optical products fiber optical cables and connectivity
- Latest innovative connectivity products Optotec branded (splice closures, distribution terminals, ODF panels and cabinets for central offices and nodes, aerial and fascade equipment and many others)
- Newest slimest microcables NextGen family
- Innovative world breaking fiber cores 200um Stellar and 180um
- Advanced optical fibre networks
- Global spirit, European manufacturing via Bresciana Italy factory
- More about presented product range avaiable here: click to see
Take a part into discussion and hear Rahul Puri Sterlite Sales Head – Europe, APAC, MEA and India at Voice of Industry panel – 21st March 2024, Track 1, 11:15-12:30 Topic: Fiber Dynamics: Panel 11 – How products, design, digital processes and intelligence can optimize FTTH roll out and reduce Total Cost of Ownership Explore cutting-edge FTTH advancements in this panel, unveiling a 3D-geo-referenced cloud-based scanning approach for network expansion. Gain strategic insights into expediting deployments, optimizing Total Cost of Ownership (TCO), and addressing challenges through innovative fibre solutions. As investments pour into 5G and fibre infrastructure, panellists discuss evolving deployment workflows and stakeholder benefits from digital transformation. The session will also look at the role of AI in FTTH and critical infrastructure, exploring its positive impacts on customer service, operations, and climate change initiatives. Experts shed light on AI benefits, ensuring a comprehensive understanding of its transformative role in the FTTH industry.
Visit Sterlite booth to know us better in person and find more opportunities to cooperate with these vendor of fiber optic products from portfolio of Syntelco represented at Polish market.